‘Regulated Hemp Cultivation Needed’

By: May 6th, 2017 12:14 am

More than 85% of the molecules derived from Hemp are imported, a huge direct loss for Indian economy

NEWSDr Vikram Sharma

(The writer hails from Ghumarwin and is a Member of Coffee Board of India )

NEWSGovernments of Himachal Pradesh as well as other hill states producing cannabis/hemp naturally should regularise commercial cultivation under restricted guidelines instead of destroying this precious natural mother of all super medicines. Hemp is a most potential Phytoceutical on earth that can improve life of the body cells as it is a holy plant used by Lord Shiva along with datura stramonium and aak (Calotropis gigantea). According to my own research all of these are super medicines or health moderators that can eliminate major diseases of living organism. The reason behind all these three is the super powerful properties of these anti-ageing phyto-molecules present in these three plants.

Hemp seeds can be used for hemp seed oil, butter, hemp milk and eaten as a snack. It can be used as fabric for clothes, rope, paper, and building material. Besides this, hemp can also be used as biofuel in place of gas. It is a natural product of our himalayan region and can be grown for socio-economic development projects instead of destroying it.

Hemp alkaloids have many other human medicinal properties as it can be used as anti-bite, anti-cancer, anti-obesity as well as one of the best anti-ageing agent as it contains one of the best anti-oxidant molecule having properties to make cell wall stable.

Nutritional Value of Hemp Seed

Hemp seed is so widely used throughout the world because of its availability, sustainability, versatility, and health benefits. The elements that make it so useful are mainly its chemical components, nutrients, and minerals. These include high levels of zinc, magnesium, calcium, phosphorous, iron and fiber. Also, hemp seed contains 21 major Amino Acids, including the nine essential amino acids, making it a complete protein. Furthermore, it is composed of a large number of edible oils and a variety of essential fats in the body, including a rare form of omega-6 called GLA (gamma linoleic acid) which is the potent form of all Omega Acids.

Health Benefits of Hemp Seed

Cardiovascular Health: Hemp seed has a wide range of effects on heart health. Most of the specialists recommended a specific balance of 3:1 or 4:1 omega-6 fatty acid to omega-3 fatty acid. Hemp seed is one of the only plant substances in the world where this is the normal balance already.

Treatment of Anemia: One of the other minerals that can be found in hemp seed is iron. Proper amount of iron intake from foods like hemp seed can help prevent anemia.

Muscle Mass: Since hemp seed does have the eight essential amino acids that cannot be made by the human body, it is known as a complete protein. Eating an appropriate amount of hemp seed is a good way to boost your muscle tone.

Prevents Cancer: There is a certain amount of phenolic compounds in hemp seed and hemp seed oil that act as powerful antioxidants which can prevent various types of cancer by eliminating free radicals.

Hormonal Imbalance: Hemp seed works as a hormone regulator for the thyroid and pancreas. It can reduce many of the symptoms that come from a hormonal imbalance, including severe menopausal symptoms, mood swings, depression, and anxiety.

Few Words of Warning

There are no known allergic reactions to hemp seed, but the contact that the seeds may have had with Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) covered plant parts could result in small residues of THC on the seeds. This means that you could possibly experience the feeling being ‘high’ or under the effect of the psychotropic chemical. This effect of hemp seed is quite rare, and isn’t harmful, but it can be an uncomfortable feeling if not anticipated. Use of hemp is banned in many countries, so consult your health specialist before use.

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