Pet Grooming A Career For Animal Lovers

Pet grooming is an interesting and rewarding career field for those who have fondness for animals. Pet groomers are the beauticians of the animal world. In wother words, pet groomer is an individual who works with animals and enhances their hygiene and appearance using a variety of grooming techniques. Becoming a pet groomer allows you to work with animals, and provide valuable service to pet owners. Pet groomers usually groom dogs and cats, some may even groom other animals such as rabbits and horses. Pet groomers are in high demand as more and more pet owners look for professional care and maintenance of their pet’s health and well-being. Especially in this busy & materialistic world, where people have no time for each other, they are bonding more with pets.


No formal training or certification is required to become a pet groomer. One can learn the profession by undertaking training for a month or so, under the guidance of an experienced groomer. Depending on the country you belong, you can attend pet grooming schools. In countries like United States, Europe etc. there are pet grooming schools. If you live in a country where these schools are not available, consider taking a course online. Certification is not a necessity, but if available it will certainly add to

your reputation and credibility and also help you learn the correct way of grooming, keeping close to the standards as possible for pet shows and competitions.

Job Opportunities

Pet Grooming is gaining popularity the world over. Even though pet grooming is totally a new concept in India, with the pet industry growing in India each year, pet grooming will definitely make its place in our country too. Pet lovers here are now ready to spend money for keeping their pets groomed and clean for pet shows. As more and more pet owners treat their pets as their family members and want them to have the best care, the demand for professional pet groomers has increased. Moreover, increased preference for exotic and foreign breeds with specific grooming requirements has led to a boost in the demand for pet grooming services. Hence job prospects in this field are likely to boom than earlier. Groomers maintain the pets appearances. Work of groomer include an initial brush-out followed by a first clipping of hair or fur using electric clippers, combs, and grooming shears. The groomer then cuts the nails, cleans the ears, bathes, and blow-dries the animal, and ends with a final clipping and styling. Massaging and perfuming also are taken up by pet groomers.


It should be noted that most groomers are hired based on grooming experience rather than formal education. Anyhow one can expect minimum starting salary of Rs 10,000 per month up to Rs 25,000 if you gather a strong client base. You can make more earnings owning your own business, or if you are working abroad.