Readers’ Response

Himachal’s Vanishing Folk Theater

This is regarding Himachal This Week’s cover story of March 24, 2018, “Himachal’s Vanishing Folk Theater”. Himachal has different forms of folk theaters in different areas refelcting the rich cultural diversity of this hilly state. However with the advancement in technology, the old forms of entertainment are giving way to the new forms. However, efforts should be directed to conserve folk theater of Himachal as it used to be performed on almost every occasion in rural areas. Popular theater forms like Bhagat, Kariyala, Banthra, Dholru and others are rare these days in Himachal though there have been some individual efforts to conserve them.

-Roshan Kumar, Sundernagar

Use Local Seeds

It has been observed that farmers prefer exotic seeds rather than using low cost seeds provided by the government. Farmers raise loans to meet out the expenses of inputs used in agriculture. Farmers face losses when he doesn’t get good produce as exotic seeds are successful at some of the places only due to low soil fertility. Insects attack exotic seeds more and farmer resort to use to insecticides to control them. In the process, soil health is also badly affected. Farmers should use local seeds and fertilisers not only to get good yield but also to maintain soil health. The government provides certified seeds to farmers for their welfare and they should avail full benefit of the facility.

-Abhishek Kumar, Dharamshsla