कल और परसों बारिश-बर्फबारी, 18 तक खराब रहेगा मौसम शिमला- हिमाचल प्रदेश के मध्य व उच्च पर्वतीय क्षेत्रों में एक-दो स्थानों पर शनिवार को फिर से बारिश-बर्फबारी की उम्मीदें जताई जा रही है, जबकि राज्य के मैदानी इलाकों में मौसम साफ बना रहेगा। मौसम विभाग के पूर्वानुमान के तहत राज्यभर में 18 जनवरी तक मौसम

मेजर अनिता की माता ने राष्ट्रपति को ज्ञापन भेज मांगी मामले की सीबीआई जांच चंबा— जम्मू-कश्मीर में हाल ही में सेना में बतौर मेजर अनिता के खुदकुशी मामले में नया मोड़ आ गया है। मृतका की माता ने अनिता की मौत को सीधे तौर पर एक सुनियोजित तरीके से की गई हत्या करार दिया है।

धर्मशाला  – रिश्वत लेते रंगे हाथ गिरफ्तार आरोपी पटवारी को दो दिन के पुलिस रिमांड पर भेजा दिया गया है। आरोपी को शुक्रवार को विजिलेंस ने कोर्ट में पेश किया था। इसके चलते आरोपी पटवारी को न्यायालय ने 15 जनवरी तक रिमांड पर भेजा है। विजिलेंस की टीम ने जिला कांगड़ा की उपतहसील हरिपुर के

Himachal is striving hard to give impetus to industrialisation that can also open

Researchers from Canada’s University of Windsor testing therapeutic values of Ashtanga Yoga for survivors of breast cancer Y.S. Rana Centuries-old Yoga system seems to be slowly but surely catching up across the globe for treatment of diseases where allopathy system of medicines fails. Though it has been established that Yoga asanas are beneficial in treating

Failed Disaster Management Himachal’s disaster management failed miserably in tackling the problems posed by recent heavy snowfall and people were restricted to the four walls of their houses in Shimla. We were hapless after the snowfall even in the midst of claims of preparedness for any disaster. Power supply in Shimla was disrupted and other

Rajiv K. Phull In our endeavour to honour different personalities of the state and salute their devotion in their respective fields of specialisation, Himachal This Week last week carried achievements of folk singer Sunil Rana having a dozen albums to his credit. A regular folk singer at Akashwani, Shimla and Dharamshala since 1999, he has

Prof N.K. Singh Former Chairman International Airports Authority of India The year gone by was a year of disruptions and epoch making changes leading to transformations. Any colossal change is bound to cause disruptions as the normal speed is shaken to achieve objectives of growth and development. Mahatma Gandhi was known to be a great

Rajesh Verma (The writer is based at Baldwara, Mandi) Unemployment is one such word that immediately brings worry lines on any face as both the villages and cities are grappling with this problem. The respective governments keep putting in efforts to reduce unemployment problem but removing it completely is not possible for any state or